Can CBD Affect You Physically? Check the FAQs Ma’am…
- Can CBD Affect You Physically? Check the FAQs Ma'am…
- CBD & Physical Effects(How It Affects Your Body)
- CBD & Your Heart – Check the FAQs Ma'am…
- CBD & Your Kidneys – Check the FAQs Ma'am…
- CBD & Your Liver – Check the FAQs Ma'am…
- CBD & Your Blood Pressure – Check the FAQs Ma'am…
- CBD & Your Muscles – Check the FAQs Ma'am…
- CBD & Arthritis – Check the FAQs Ma'am…
- CBD & Diabetes – Check the FAQs Ma'am…
- CBD & Cholesterol – Check the FAQs Ma'am…
- CBD & Your Bladder – Check the FAQs Ma'am…
- CBD & Your Prostate – Check the FAQs Sir…
- CBD & Pain – Check the FAQs Ma'am…
- CBD & Inflammation – Check the FAQs Ma'am…
- CBD & Blood Flow – Check the FAQs Ma'am…
CBD & Physical Effects
(How It Affects Your Body)

CBD & Your Heart – Check the FAQs Ma’am…
1. a) Can CBD cause heart palpitations? b) Can CBD cause heart arrhythmia? c) Does CBD affect your heart? d) Does CBD oil raise your heart rate? e) Is CBD OK for heart patients? f) Can someone with heart problems take CBD? g) Can CBD trigger atrial fibrillation?
My Two Cents
I’m no doctor nor do I have a ton of medical knowledge. But from all that I’ve read about CBD so far, I can say that you are likely to get differing opinions on just about any claim regarding its usage.
My opinion is fairly consistent about CBD. I think it is more beneficial for people overall, especially when using a broad or full-spectrum product or the flower in its natural state. But like any substance known to man, I’m sure that it can have negative side effects for some people under certain circumstances. Even too much of a good thing isn’t good for you.
Drinking too much water can be bad for you… It can dilute the sodium in the bloodstream and lead to impaired brain function and can be life-threatening.
We all know what eating too much food can do, even if you eat healthy foods.
Overdoing vitamins and minerals can cause moderate to severe issues with our bodies.
The key is to do everything in moderation. Even healthy things can cause problems if you use too much.
The nature of the unnatural world
There are no cornucopias in this world. We live in the natural world and Nature is a fickle thing sometimes. But due to the unnatural processing of our foods and the synthetic nature of our medicines, most people have an altered body chemistry which can affect the way their bodies react to certain substances even if they are natural.
This is especially true when dealing with synthetic, altered, or genetically modified substances. Some of the worst substances for your body are the “medicines” science has “created” in a lab that the FDA has approved for “Treating, Curing, or Preventing” disease!
It’s my opinion that the absolute best medicine is to get back onto a completely natural diet without synthetic drugs, chemical preservatives, food additives, other forms of food processing, and druggery-skullduggery.
I’ll get back on track and go do my research before I get too deep into my disgust with the FDA, AMA, and corporate food conglomerates.
Next time I get sidetracked, feel free to smack me upside the head… Get me back on track!
CBD Research Related To Heart Issues – Their Take
“It can cause what we call tachycardia, which is an increase in your heart rate. It can also cause peripheral vasodilation, which means your veins and your arteries can dilate and drop your blood pressure,”
– CBC News, Canada
It’s important to note that the article this quote comes from is referring to cannabis in general.
However, peripheral vasodilation and a drop in blood pressure relate directly to the effects of CBD.
This may be a good thing if you happen to suffer from high blood pressure.
“A new study presented at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2022 has found that cannabis prescribed for chronic pain in Denmark between 2018 and 2021 was associated with a higher risk of heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias).”
– Nature – Science – Life
The quote this article comes from is also referring to cannabis use in general. It’s also important to note that many of those who claimed chronic pain in order to obtain a medical marijuana license may not have been honest about their claims.
It is quite difficult to disprove whether someone suffers from chronic pain. And someone who wants to legally purchase and smoke pot will lie about this condition.
Furthermore, I would suggest that many of the people who have or develop these heart conditions could be using other drugs unrelated to cannabis or not strictly just CBD-related cannabis products.
I’m not saying that someone with a heart condition should use CBD or any other cannabis-related product without consulting their doctors. They should make an informed decision to do so or not.
But there will always be those who try to discredit cannabis-related products as well as those who might attempt to stretch the truth about the benefits thereof.
If you are an adult of sound mind and simply want to use cannabis and say screw the consequences, then by all means have at it! But if you have concerns about whether or not it can cause health issues, then consult several reputable sources before partaking in the consumption of cannabis-related products. Especially if you have heart-related issues.
I am one such person. I had Rheumatic Fever as a child which caused me to have heart and vascular issues. I started smoking weed back in the early ’70s, although I took a break from it for about 20 years.
I also smoked cigarettes for 20+ years. And I can tell you that cigarettes are much more harmful for you than pot ever could be! But I see they are still being sold over the counter without the need to have a medical license or legislation to legalize them. WTF?
Nowadays, I am back to using cannabis products and I conduct a lot of research around producing this website. But I will never smoke cigarettes again! I quit those in 1995.
“CBD’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties may be able to reduce risk factors that can lead to heart disease, like high blood pressure. It may also be able to reduce the risk of related conditions, like stroke.”
– healthline
I tend to find more evidence supporting the benefits of CBD for heart conditions rather than detriments. This article from states that CBD may help lower blood pressure and prevent brain damage from strokes.
From what I’ve learned about the vasodilating properties of CBD it may even help to prevent strokes.
“This herbal supplement is sold over the counter and may be marketed with various health claims, but heart experts aren’t so sure it’s worthwhile or even safe if you have heart failure.”
– WebMD
This quote from WebMD appears to be supported by a single quote from a transplant cardiologist. Is there a conflict of interest here? I mean healthy hearts mean less business for him… right?
It’s not like I know any better. It’s just that the mounting evidence pointing toward CBD possibly being more beneficial for so many medical conditions makes you wonder.
And as you read through these questions, you will discover my attitude toward WebMD.
They are not on my A-list of trusted websites. I merely include them to stir up some controversy and make you think.
“…there is still not enough evidence available to recommend that patients with heart disease take CBD.”
– Cardiovascular Business, Innovate Healthcare
I have to agree with these cautions for using CBD or other cannabis products if you happen to have any health issues. You should always consult with your doctor beforehand.
I won’t advocate for the use of ANY product related to cannabis unless you understand all the risks involved.
Cannabis and cannabinoids aren’t food or drink. They are plants and substances derived from said plants. They seem to have many benefits. But there can also be a downside as with so many things in life.
For instance, if you smoke weed you need to be aware that the smoke WILL irritate your lungs. It could cause issues with the membranes of your mouth, throat, and lungs. For all we know, it may cause cancer.
There are just so many unknowns regarding cannabis because it was demonized for so many years. If it hadn’t been lumped into a group with things like heroin, it might have caught the attention of the medical community long ago and we would know so much more about it by now.
Think of all the medical conditions it purportedly seems to help. How much more prominent would it be in the treatment of these conditions had it not been ostracized by the narrow-minded?
“CBD cannot cure heart disease or congestive heart failure, but it is being studied for ways it may help reduce symptoms or prevent heart disease.”
– verywell health
Even if CBD could cure heart disease or congestive failure, the “Rules” of the FDA would not allow anyone to make such claims unless it has become an FDA-approved pharmaceutical drug that would necessarily have to be produced by a legit pharmaceutical company. You simply can not make any such claims about ANY naturally occurring substance. The FDA rules have made this totally illegal.
You can’t claim that limes are a cure or prevention for scurvy even though it was used by sailors for just such a purpose long before the FDA or any other government regulatory agency ever existed.
“Cannabis use alone, or the combination of cannabis with smoking and alcohol, will increase the risk of developing atrial fibrillation.”
– healthline
Although this article is related to smoking cannabis and not particularly CBD, I thought it was important to include it within the results of these questions.
“…the overwhelming effect of marijuana on your heart is harmful.”
– WebMD
The same could be said about a lot of pharmaceutical drugs. Not only harmful to your heart but your liver as well.
“Can CBD cause the heart to pound like THC does? Research reveals that this cannabis compound doesn’t negatively affect your heart rate or blood pressure…”
– helloMD
“Some research suggests that CBD oil may improve some heart-related symptoms:
– WebMD
- A very small study conducted in 2017 in England found that CBD improved resting blood pressure and blood pressure spikes related to stress in people without heart conditions.
- Various studies in animals have shown that CBD could improve vasorelaxation, or opening of arteries for better blood flow, as well as reduce inflammation. A small clinical trial from Mexico studying CBD in people with heart failure hasn’t reported any results yet.
- A large study of more than 161,000 people hospitalized for heart failure who had used marijuana found that they had, on average, a lower risk of death and shorter hospital stays. But this doesn’t necessarily mean CBD oil would have the same benefit.”
“…people hospitalized for cannabis use disorders were more likely to have heart arrhythmias, and were more likely to die during their hospitalization.”
– Medical News Today
These last two quotes distinctly highlight the differing opinions I pointed out earlier. One stating marijuana use is beneficial the other that it is detrimental. I realize this doesn’t pertain to CBD in particular, but I thought it was important to include it here.
The Medical News Today article cites the effects of a cannabis study, but relates it to CBD use… Apples and oranges!
As to the detrimental effects of cannabis on your heart, I will add that most substances when misused or abused can be harmful to us in one way or another. So I will revise my prior statement to say that I believe CBD oil, and cannabis in general, are more beneficial to us when used proportionately.
I also believe that one day CBD and other compounds in cannabis will become more widely used in the medical industry. Why? Because there’s no way those money grubbers will pass up such a golden opportunity to add to their pocketbook! And… because people are creating more of a demand for it.
Supply and Demand! Where there is a demand there will come a supply. The only problem is that a lot of the CBD and related products on the market are mass-produced overseas. Sometimes quality or actual strength and purity can suffer or be overexaggerated.
- Natural is always better!
- Use natural flower and extracts!
It’s okay to have the extract more refined through natural processes. But once you begin messing with the chemical composition of any compound, you create something new and different… and not necessarily good or helpful.
And when you are dealing with something as complex as the chemical profile of a cannabis plant, nobody understands better than those who have smoked it the vast majority of their lives that… “It’s completely fine just the way it is.”
[Side Note: Consider the fact that the endocannabinoid system of the human body is a relatively new discovery and is part of the vast majority of neuron receptors throughout the entire nervous system, including the brain.]
“…it was not until 1988 in a government-funded study at the St. Louis University School of Medicine that Allyn Howlett and William Devane determined that the mammalian brain has receptor sites that respond to compounds found in cannabis. These receptors, named cannabinoid receptors turned out to be the most abundant type of neurotransmitter receptor in the brain.”
– labroots, 15 years of science
“Two primary cannabinoid receptors have been identified: CB1, first cloned (or isolated) in 1990; and CB2, cloned in 1993.”
– Wikipedia
“The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a biological system composed of endocannabinoids, which are endogenous lipid-based retrograde neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors (CBRs), and cannabinoid receptor proteins that are expressed throughout the vertebrate central nervous system (including the brain) and peripheral nervous system…”
– Wikipedia
The naturally occurring endocannabinoid neurotransmitters discovered within the human body were actually named after cannabis-based cannabinoids due to their similarity in chemical structure.
All that being said, I do not believe that CBD can have any adverse effects on your heart. In fact, from what I understand it may alleviate adverse effects that THC might have on your heart.
CBD & Your Kidneys – Check the FAQs Ma’am…
2. a) Can CBD hurt your kidneys? b) Can CBD affect your kidneys? c) Can CBD improve kidney function? d) Can CBD cause kidney problems? e) Does CBD impact kidney function? f) Does CBD affect your liver or kidneys? g) Is CBD cleared by the kidneys? h) CBD oil and creatinine levels i) Can synthetic cannabinoids cause kidney failure? j) Can CBD cause kidney stones? k) Does CBD oil help with kidney stones? l) Is CBD good for kidney pain? m) Can CBD cause urinary problems?
My Take
Sorry, but I have no idea or opinion about this one. I can’t imagine how CBD would harm your kidneys, but I will see what I can find out.
That’s the best I can do here, other than to say I wouldn’t like to think that “natural” CBD could hurt your kidneys. I don’t have such faith in synthetic CBD. Once man mucks around with nature all bets are off.
CBD Research Related To Kidney Issues – Their Take
I could find very little evidence that CBD can harm your kidneys. Conversely, I did find evidence that it may alleviate certain conditions related to kidney function in the following article. And it may help alleviate some symptoms of CKD Chronic Kidney Disease.
“There is no evidence to suggest that CBD has any adverse effect on kidney function. In fact, CBD prevented cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity in a mouse model by reducing oxidative stress [67]. However, some products may contain toxic contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and solvents.”
– Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension
“…we summarize key clinical studies and the level of evidence for nonsynthetic cannabinoids in the treatment of common symptoms encountered in advanced stages of CKD, including chronic pain, nausea and vomiting, anorexia, pruritus, and insomnia.”
– PubMed Central
Even this article neither supports nor negates any effect of CBD directly on the kidneys. In fact, it refers to CBD helping to alleviate certain symptoms of CKD deeming it more beneficial than detrimental.
“CBD may be beneficial in treating some symptoms associated with kidney diseases, such as inflammation or pain.”
“People living with kidney disease need to be able to separate fact from fiction — and to understand that supplements and alternative drugs can interact with prescribed drugs or cause harm in other ways.”
= American Kidney Fund
Like prescription drugs would never cause harm in “other ways”… nor would they ever have adverse reactions to other drugs. Because FDA-approved medications are good for you in EVERY WAY! (I hope I’m not being overly cynical…)
I can’t help but wonder if the Kidney Fund isn’t just another FDA cahooter! I mean, I get it. The world is going to Hell in a Hand-basket at warp speed. The global population is out of control. If people keep breeding like bunnies, how long can the earth support us? Oh, I could rant about this for quite a while, but this isn’t the place for such rhetoric.
I don’t know if it’s obvious by now or not, but I believe that more natural products are of greater benefit to mankind than any synthetic crap. And just like the lemmings being led over the cliff’s edge, I follow the mainstream into the unnatural world of fast foods, processed foods, and synthetic medications. Though I keep the medications to an absolute bare minimum.
I did come across this article regarding the harmful effects of CBD on kidneys while looking into CBD being cleared by the kidneys…
“There is some evidence that CBD oil may be harmful to the kidneys, but there is also evidence that it might help renal function. The majority of CBD and THC is excreted through the feces…”
– BuzzRX
This led me to dig deeper into possibly harmful side-effects of CBD and every result I came across disputes this claim.
The only thing about CBD or cannabis in general that I could attribute to having any adverse effects on the kidneys would be due to possible dehydration which may lead to less frequent urination if you don’t properly hydrate while using. But, all evidence I come across states that CBD and even cannabis can cause dry mouth, but not dehydration.
The following quote is the only mention of urinary issues attributed to the use of cannabis but does not relate it specifically to CBD products.
“Common adverse effects from cannabis include anticholinergic effects of dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention, tachycardia, constipation, and hypertension.”
– A Train Education
Once again, the vast majority of information I uncovered tends to expound on the benefits rather than complications for your health and well-being.
I have to conclude that CBD has no harmful effects on the kidneys that I could discover. It can however be used to alleviate some negative side effects like the pain and inflammation of late-stage kidney diseases.
I’m sure that as more tests and experiments are conducted that CBD will prove to be more beneficial to us than anyone could have guessed.
CBD & Your Liver – Check the FAQs Ma’am…
3. a) Can CBD hurt your liver? b) Can CBD affect your liver? c) Does CBD oil cause liver damage? d) Does CBD affect your liver or kidneys?
My Take
Well, I have already come across some articles that say CBD can cause more liver damage if taken with certain medications. But I haven’t found any evidence that it can be harmful to your liver in and of itself.
Just like with your kidneys, I don’t believe “natural” CBD would have detrimental effects on your liver outside of its purported interaction with “pharmaceutical medications”. And you know my opinion about synthetic CBD. If not then go read the previous question, “Can CBD hurt your kidneys?”
CBD Research Related To Liver Issues – Their Take
“According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CBD could potentially cause liver damage.”
I can’t help but wonder if the FDA drew their conclusions from the same study(ies) these next couple of sources got their ideas from… They do go on to say that further studies state it’s unlikely CBD would affect the liver.
“A new study shows evidence that extremely high doses of CBD can be damaging to the liver.
But experts say this research, which was done in mice, is still in the early stages, and more information is needed.” –
They do go on to say that the mice were given amounts of CBD that were higher than those recommended for a human, I mean even drinking too much water can be harmful to your body.
Can you imagine the dose you would have to take to equate to the amount given to the mouse if it was more than what is recommended for humans? You know they had to have dosed that mouse with a massive amount of CBD.
The MO (Modus Operandi for those that don’t watch cop shows.) of lab rat experimentation is to inject or gavage the experimental substance. So you would have to be given an enormous dose of CBD to be equivalent to what the mouse took. What if 30 ml was the amount given to the mice?
Let’s do some hillbilly math… How much does a mouse weigh… an ounce or two? Let’s use 2ozs for mouse weight. And the average (estimated) weight of a human is say 170 lbs.
Well, 16 ounces to a pound divided by 2 (mouse weight), times 170… that’s around 1360 right? Now multiply that times the 30 ml dose of CBD given to the mice. I do believe that would equate to about 40,800 ml or approximately a 10.7-gallon dose of CBD for a person. If you inject or ingest that much of ANYTHING into your body I think it’s going to have some majorly horrible side effects… LIKE MAYBE DEATH!
So, as I always say, everything in moderation. So long as you don’t overdo it or mix CBD with certain meds or conditions, I believe it is both safe and beneficial.
Of course, I’m no expert. Take my words with a grain of salt… or the whole damn salt shaker might be best. Just don’t blame me if eating too much salt harms you. You should have listened when I said everything in moderation.
“Now, a recent mouse study {} has been making headlines for the findings that taking too much CBD might lead to liver damage in high enough quantities.” –
You can visit the mouse study link, or request the Pdf “molecules-24-01694-v2” through the Loud & Chronic contact page, or drop us an email with “Mouse Study Pdf” in the subject line.
“The goal of this study was to investigate Cannabidiol (CBD) hepatotoxicity in 8-week-old male B6C3F1 mice. Animals were gavaged with either 0, 246, 738, or 2460 mg/kg of CBD (acute toxicity, 24 h) or with daily doses of 0, 61.5, 184.5, or 615 mg/kg for 10 days (sub-acute toxicity). These doses were the allometrically scaled mouse equivalent doses (MED) of the maximum recommended human maintenance dose of CBD in EPIDIOLEX® (20 mg/kg).” – NIH PubMed Central
Their study was done using a maximum dosage of 2460 mg/kg dosage for a mouse! This is an outrageous amount! Almost 2500 MG/KG dosage of CBD! Where a pharmaceutical dosage for people of Epidiolex, a pharmaceutical grade synthetic CBD prescription medication, is a mere 20 mg/kg! I don’t see how their math adds up given their numbers.
So, to be equivalent, a 180 lb person would need to take a dosage of 2460 mg/kg as a single dosage! Force-fed into your belly! To calculate your dosage, let’s convert lbs to kgs by dividing 180 lbs by 2.205 = 81.65 kg X 2460 mg CBD = 200,859 mg. That’s 200.859 Grams! Or about 7 Ozs Of CBD would be equivalent to the dosage administered in the mouse model! That’s a ridiculous amount! Nobody is going to be ingesting over 7 ounces of CBD… So I deem this study and its claims to be preposterous!
So, ladies and gentlemen, please be aware that taking over 200 GRAMS of CBD in a single sitting may cause ORGAN FAILURE! Remember the MOUSE model?!? When they force-fed it with NEARLY 2,500 mg/kg of CBD! AND IT CAUSED ORGAN FAILURE… I wonder WHY?
OMG! Sorry just had to say it. So they gave a mouse a dosage equivalently unheard of for human consumption just to discover it might cause organ failure? I’ve heard of 600-800 mg being a high dosage for a person, much less over 2,000 mg/kg!
Unless I’ve misunderstood what mg/kg actually means, and/or scientific math. I’m assuming it means 2460 mg per each kg of body weight.
So, the average house mouse weighs in at about 0.02494758 kg. X 2460 mg/kg = about 61.4 mg of CBD force-fed to the mouse. Or the human equivalent of over 200 Grams of CBD in a single dose for someone weighing 81.65 KG or about 180 lbs.
I guess what they are saying is, so long as you don’t try to do a 200-gram hit of CBD any time soon you should be on the safe side.
“Cannabidiol improves brain and liver function in a fulminant hepatic failure-induced model of hepatic encephalopathy in mice…” – NIH PubMed Central
Can I get more contradictory information, please? LOL
By the way, don’t ask me what all that means… Except for the part about CBD aka cannabidiol “improving” brain and liver function! That part I got. The rest is all too sciencey for me. Oh, except for the mice… I got that too.
“Hepatic encephalopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder of complex pathogenesis caused by acute or chronic liver failure. We investigated the effects of cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive constituent of Cannabis sativa with anti-inflammatory properties that activates the 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 5-HT1A, on brain and liver functions in a model of hepatic encephalopathy associated with fulminant hepatic failure induced in mice by thioacetamide.” – NIH PubMed Central
Oh… right… I knew that!
“CBD Alleviates Liver Injuries in Alcoholics With High-Fat High-Cholesterol Diet Through Regulating NLRP3 Inflammasome–Pyroptosis Pathway…” –
Go ahead. Ask me what that means… Wait! Wait! I was bluffing! I have no clue. The first part I get. But that second part: Regulating NLRP3 Inflammasome–Pyroptosis Pathway… Man, Oh, Man! Yeah, I’m not even going to try to pronounce that much less understand it.
“Alcohol abuse and high-fat diet-induced liver diseases have been the most prevalent chronic liver diseases and the leading reasons for liver transplantation around the world.” –
I did not know that…
“…we found that CBD can prevent fatty liver induced by Lieber–DeCarli ethanol diet or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) induced by high-fat high-cholesterol diet.” – {,cholesterol%20diet.}
But this is cool, yes? This means eat whatever the F### you want with zero liver problems! Right? AWESOME! Now if it can only keep you from becoming overweight…?
A word of warning? If you plan on reading this referred-to article, you might want to brush up on your sciencey language a bit. Or go earn a Ph.D. first.
Just as I had suspected. I have read other articles that say CBD use with certain medications can interfere with the livers ability to break down those meds thereby causing some liver damage… Or should I say more liver damage than these certain meds already cause?
With all the research I’ve done so far, I notice that the side effects of CBD don’t even come close to the side effects I’ve seen on some of the least harmful pharmaceutical meds on the market that are approved by the FDA! So WTF is the deal FDA? You scandalous scrotums! Why do you have an issue with CBD?
I seem to be bound and determined to go off on these unscrupulous, nut-gnawing mastodons, don’t I?
CBD & Your Blood Pressure – Check the FAQs Ma’am…
4. a) Can CBD oil raise your blood pressure? b) Can you take CBD oil if you have high blood pressure? c) Which CBD is best for high blood pressure? d) Does CBD alter blood pressure? e) Can too much CBD cause low blood pressure? f) Can CBD cause a spike in blood pressure? g) How much does CBD lower blood pressure?
My Take
OK, I have to admit that I got the jump on this question group. I’ve read a few articles pertaining to it. I’ll expound on it in the CBD Research section. Mostly because I forgot much of what I read.
But even before reading those articles, I would have stated pretty much the same thing I said in the kidney and liver questions. In fact, I will be reiterating the same or similar beliefs when it comes to the physiology of anyone that isn’t subjected to “unnatural” medications or possibly even certain food additives. Or in someone whose endocannaboid system has been compromised in some way.
So, from what I understand, CBD is a vasodilator… meaning it relaxes the muscles around the walls of the veins and arteries allowing them to expand, thereby decreasing the pressure needed to pump blood. Voila! Lower blood pressure.
It stands to reason that a muscle relaxer should do the same thing. Not that I’m a proponent of Pharmeds!
I’ll go do some more research on the matter… TA TA!
CBD Research Related To Blood Pressure Issues – Their Take
“Can CBD cause the heart to pound like THC does? Research reveals that this cannabis compound doesn’t negatively affect your heart rate or blood pressure…” –
“Some research suggests that CBD oil may improve some heart-related symptoms:
- A very small study conducted in 2017 in England found that CBD improved resting blood pressure and blood pressure spikes related to stress in people without heart conditions.
- Various studies in animals have shown that CBD could improve vasorelaxation, or opening of arteries for better blood flow, as well as reduce inflammation. A small clinical trial from Mexico studying CBD in people with heart failure hasn’t reported any results yet.
- A large study of more than 161,000 people hospitalized for heart failure who had used marijuana found that they had, on average, a lower risk of death and shorter hospital stays. But this doesn’t necessarily mean CBD oil would have the same benefit.”
“Some research studies indicate that CBD products may help with lowering blood pressure.
A 2020 study found that CBD may have vasodilatory effects in human and rat arteries. The authors suggest that CBD may improve flow because it widens blood vessels.” –
“However, the blood absorbs some types of CBD faster than others. How people consume CBD has a significant effect on how quickly the body absorbs it:
- Capsules and gummies pass through the digestive tract and take 30 minutes to 1 hour to absorb.
- CBD oils, tinctures, and sprays administered under the tongue typically work in 15-20 minutes.
- CBD creams and ointments primarily address localized pain, such as swelling or sore muscles, so they would not be an effective choice for people seeking to manage blood pressure.”
“A single dose of cannabidiol reduces blood pressure in healthy volunteers in a randomized crossover study…” – NIH PubMed Central
“Preclinical studies show CBD has numerous cardiovascular benefits, including a reduced blood pressure (BP) response to stress.” – NIH PubMed Central
“CBD has multiple desirable effects on the cardiovascular system.” – NIH PubMed Central {,cardiovascular%20system
“There is also evidence from animal studies that CBD modulates the cardiovascular response to stress.” – NIH PubMed Central
“CBD treatment reduced resting systolic blood pressure…” – NIH PubMed Central
“There is evidence that CBD products could help lower blood pressure, but research is somewhat contradictory.
A 2017 study of nine male participants found that a single dose of CBD in healthy participants lowered blood pressure for those at rest and those who were under stress.” –
[Referring to the study from the previous article quotes from NIH PubMed Central.]
“Both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledge the potential benefits of CBD.” –
All evidence I’ve uncovered suggests that CBD will not raise your blood pressure but can actually lower it instead.
As to whether you should take CBD if you have high blood pressure, I’m not a doctor so I can’t make such a recommendation. You should consult your doctor before making any such decision.
Don’t expect your doctor to recommend using CBD unless they are open-minded and you have a close relationship with them. They definitely can’t tell you that CBD can be used to treat HBP without fear of reprisal from the FDA. However, they can tell you that it might be used as a supplement without repercussions.
Now, when it comes to which CBD oil is best for high blood pressure, there are several candidates on the market. But the real question is which of the 3 “types” of CBD oil is best.
I’m no scientist nor MD, but everything I’ve learned over the years tells me to trust the real deal over any “purified” or “synthesized” substance. From what I understand, the different compounds found in cannabis tend to work more effectively together than separately.
For instance, CBD helps counteract the tendency of THC to cause paranoia among other things. Pure THC can cause paranoia, anxiety, stress, and other adverse side effects. The presence of CBD can counteract most of these side effects.
So why separate the two major components of cannabis? At the very least, use some CBD once your high has leveled off or if you feel that you are getting too high.
CBD isolate is pretty much a purified form of CBD. It contains no other compounds of the cannabis or hemp plant. I don’t recommend this as it goes against my belief that cannabis compounds work better when all the compounds of the plant are included.
Some people, myself included, like to choose their chronic bud with the highest THC and lowest CBD concentrations because it gives a more intense high! And when there is CBD present in weed, it generally has a lower THC level… The higher the CBD content, the lower the THC content.
Of course, scientists like to “isolate” the exact chemical that affects certain issues without considering what benefits other chemical compounds within the aggregate substance might have upon the issue they are studying.
In my opinion, this is what they are doing with CBD isolate. Therefore, I would say either a broad-spectrum or full-spectrum CBD product would be best. I personally would choose a full-spectrum with decent THC content without sacrificing CBD content too much simply because I would like a little buzz to go with my “treatment”.
I have to conclude that CBD may be beneficial to those with high blood pressure and those with normal to low blood pressure should be careful when considering using CBD as I believe it may result in temporary hypotension (low blood pressure).
Always consult a medical professional before using CBD. Especially if you are currently taking other medications.
CBD & Your Muscles – Check the FAQs Ma’am…
5. a) Does CBD cause muscle weakness? b) Does CBD affect the muscles? c) Does CBD cause muscle loss? d) Does CBD help muscle weakness? e) Does CBD help with muscle and joint pain? f) How does CBD help with muscle recovery? g) Can CBD cause muscle spasms? h) Is CBD a muscle relaxant? i) Does CBD work for muscle cramps? j) Does CBD relax muscles?
My Take
With all the claims made about CBD, relieving pain and relaxing the body are two of them. So it would make sense that CBD relaxes the muscles in your body enough to cause some weakness. But I can only speculate that it would only be while the CBD is in your system. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be used for sports injuries.
Let me go do my research and see if I can find any supporting evidence to these questions.
CBD Research Related To Musculature Issues – Their Take
“…we used an animal model in which we studied the alterations produced by synthetic cannabinoids on the activity of the motor neurons of the hypoglossal nucleus…’…cannabinoids hinder the transmission of information between neurons…’…this action mechanism could also explain the beneficial therapeutic effects that marijuana has on motor disturbances…” –
I notice this article doesn’t point out any particular cannabinoids. That’s like saying that we tested cannabinoids and they get you high… high!
Well, obviously that would have been referring to THC or related substances. But, it’s not so obvious in this quote, nor the article in general. Did they not know which cannabinoids they experimented with?
There are OVER 100 known cannabinoids in cannabis. Which ones are they referring to in their article or the study they reference? And the body produces its own cannabinoids. Could they be referring to these?
I don’t even know why I bothered to link to this article… Its information is incomplete. Without knowing which cannabinoids they cite, linking to this article serves no other purpose than to poke fun at it. Poke, Poke, Poke!
I guess I just wanted to stir up some controversy right off the bat.
I suppose I’m saying be careful where you get your information and especially your cannabis products.
“There are three main reasons why pro athletes use CBD oil: pain management, muscle recovery and muscle development.” –, Fan Nation
“CBD (cannabidiol) oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce pain, swelling and the severity of joint damage caused by injuries…” –, Fan Nation
“CBD oil also has neuroprotective properties that can help repair nerve tissues damaged during an injury or surgery.” –, Fan Nation
Now we all know that NFL players get the best medical treatment available. So they use CBD in the NFL? Hmm…
“CBD is a great way to reduce muscle spasms and pain you may have as a result of them.” –
“CBD is a great muscle relaxant. Unlike painkillers, muscle relaxants work to solve the issue of muscle cramps…” –
“CBD is believed to aid in muscle recovery [4]. Many athletes and fitness fanatics use CBD as it can speed up the muscle recovery process.” –
If fitness fanatics as well as pro and amateur athletes use CBD, I wouldn’t think that muscle weakness would be that big of an issue.
“Oral CBD is believed to have strong anti-inflammatory effects, and as inflammation is the root of most pain, it makes perfect sense that ingesting CBD could offer relief from inflammation-related pain, including muscle aches and joint pain.” –
“It’s also worth knowing that the Food and Drug Administration has yet to approve CBD as a food additive or dietary supplement.” –
Like I give a flying snickerdoodle what the FDA thinks or doesn’t think about CBD!
Everywhere I look online I find more claims about the benefits of CBD and fewer claims about its detriments. But many online sources are careful to add disclaimers like the one above in order to not run afoul with the FDA.
Is our little cannabis plant, which has been ostracized by the world as a whole, one of the greatest medical discoveries since penicillin?
Imagine how much more advanced research would have progressed with cannabis if it hadn’t been cast in a bad light so many years ago.
“CBD is often suggested for managing common sports problems like muscle soreness, recovery periods, injury healing, and getting enough rest. Full-Spectrum extracts, with their terpenes, are considered the most effective option for bodybuilding.” –
There you go! Full-spectrum is considered the “most effective option”. I’m so happy to have my thoughts and claims verified by a reputable source.
“Research done with rugby players has shown various promising results for athletes using CBD for muscle recovery after a bout of intensive physical activity.” –
“…researchers have recommended CBD for promoting a feeling of relieving anxiety and relaxation…” –
CBD may have its uses for a variety of issues. And I’m always happy to find supporting evidence that full-spectrum CBD is the best form of this compound.
For I believe that all the compounds within cannabis work better when working together.
I’ve found so little evidence that CBD causes muscle weakness or any other issues with musculature. But I’ve found plenty of evidence that CBD may be beneficial to your body’s muscles.
CBD seems to keep coming out on top. For every question about the harmful effects of CBD, I tend to discover that the opposite might be more accurate.
Instead of CBD causing muscle weakness, muscle loss, muscle spasms or cramps, the evidence points towards CBD possibly being beneficial for multiple muscle conditions including pain, spasms and cramps.
However, I did find statements about it causing muscle weakness. And since CBD is a muscle relaxer, I can only assume that your muscles will be somewhat weaker while under its influence.
CBD & Arthritis – Check the FAQs Ma’am…
6. a) Does CBD help with arthritis? b) CBD for rheumatoid arthritis? c) What type of CBD helps arthritis? d) Is CBD good for arthritis? e) Does CBD help with arthritis pain?
My Take
Once again, I’ve been exposed to knowledge about the effects of CBD on this condition. I’ve learned that CBD may be helpful in relieving the pain of arthritis and reducing inflammation associated with the disease.
The purported pain-relieving properties of CBD are fairly well dispersed across the internet as are its possible anti-inflammatory properties. This makes CBD a great candidate as a possible supplemental remedy for arthritis pain and related inflammation at the very least.
There are different schools of thought about which type of CBD is best for this or that. I always consider the more natural methods of conveyance.
I prefer either flower or a full-spectrum product that contains ALL of the precious cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds within the cannabis plant.
I believe that all the compounds within the cannabis plant were meant to work together symbiotically. And that CBD can be used to counteract many of the psychotic effects of THC, thereby opening up the door even more into the study of helpful properties of more compounds from our wondrous cannabis plant.
For now, I will saunter off and do a little research into the matter.
CBD Research Related To Arthritis Issues – Their Take
“As cannabidiol (CBD) has grown in popularity over the years, major organizations like the Arthritis Foundation have released guidelines pertaining to its use in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis…” –
“…some people who have tried CBD for treatment of arthritis symptoms report noticeable pain relief, improved sleep improvement, and reduced anxiety.” –
“improved sleep improvement”? LOL Redundant much in the process of repeating repetitiveness? Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself.
“…major organizations like the Arthritis Foundation have released guidelines pertaining to its use in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).” –
Added this quote on purpose for the redundancy of redundance.
“Given the lack of strong scientific evidence supporting the use of CBD, it is not recommended as the first choice for pain relief in RA.” –
Gotta love this CYA statement. Let’s not give the FDA any reason to shut our website down! Those Scrotum Scratching Parasites!
“CBD acts via the endocannabinoid system, which is active on receptors found in multiple areas of the brain, and at spinal cord level, to stop the transmission of pain signals. It is 10-times as active as morphine in its effect on certain types of pain nerve cells, and also produces pain relief in response to stress.” –
“CBD also has powerful antioxidant activity, said to exceed that of vitamin C or vitamin E. It is thus claimed to be the first endocannabinoid modulator to be used in patients to relieve pain. It is also a TNF-? inhibitor, but does not cause gastric irritation or increase the risk of vascular disease like NSAIDs…” –
“…one of the earliest studies by Blake et al. (2006) studied the efficacy, tolerability and safety of the cannabis-based medicine (CBM) called, Sativex. Sativex (aka Nabiximols) is used to treat RA, neuropathic pain and multiple sclerosis. In this first ever controlled trial of a CBM in rheumatoid arthritis, the study saw a significant analgesic effect and even indications that disease activity was significantly suppressed…” –
Nabiximols are a combination of THC, CBD, other minor cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes.
“CBD is presenting as a safe and potentially effective medical alternative to more risky medications commonly prescribed for arthritis pain. Cannabidiol use has little to no health risk or adverse side effects like those presented by NSAIDs and opioid medications.” –
“Animal studies have suggested that CBD has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, but these effects have not been validated in quality studies in humans. Anecdotally, some people with arthritis who have tried CBD report noticeable pain relief, sleep improvement and/or anxiety reduction.” Arthritis Foundation
“Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-intoxicating phytocannabinoid from cannabis sativa that has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects in several inflammatory conditions including arthritis.” – NIH PubMed Central
“…a study published in September 2020 in the journal Cell Disease & Death, that cannabinoids can alleviate pain from RA and act as an effective anti-inflammatory agent…” –
“A survey published in November 2019 in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs found that, of the respondents taking legalized cannabis for pain relief, 80 percent described it as “very or extremely helpful.” Among respondents taking over-the-counter pain medications, 82 percent reported reducing or stopping use of those medications. Among respondents taking opioid analgesics, 88 percent reported reducing or stopping use of those medications.” –
“Researchers have recently starting focusing on CBD oil’s effects on several conditions that cause pain, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA). So far, the results are promising.” –
I’m so glad that “ Researchers have recently starting focusing on CBD oil’s effects…” But the author of this article should have done more than simply spell check. Grammarly would have caught this little mishap… did you?
“CBD oil affects brain activity, but not in the same way that THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, does. CBD oil interacts with two receptors, called CB1 and CB2, to reduce pain and the effects of inflammation.
CB2 also plays a role in your immune system. RA involves your immune system attacking the tissue in your joints. So this relationship to the immune system could explain why CBD oil seems to work well for RA symptoms.
In addition, CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects could also help to slow down or stop the progression of RA, which causes permanent damage to your joints over time. These effects could also reduce several other inflammation-related RA symptoms, such as fatigue and fever.” –
“…according to a Gallup poll in August of 2019, about 14% of Americans report using CBD products, and the number one reason is pain. The [Arthritis Foundation conducted its own poll]{} and found that 29% reported current use of CBD (mostly in liquid or topical form), and nearly 80% of respondents were either using it, had used it in the past, or were considering it. Of those using it, most reported improvement in physical function, sleep, and well-being; of note, a minority reported improvement in pain or stiffness.”
“…there is substantial evidence that it can help relieve long-term pain. And pain is a major symptom of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).” –
“The federal ban on marijuana and CBD means studies on humans have been few. So researchers don’t know for sure that cannabis eases RA symptoms. But the results from several very small studies suggest that in people with rheumatic diseases, including RA and osteoarthritis, it may help:
- Curb morning pain (but not the overall level of pain)
- Improve sleep
- Lower inflammation in joints (but not joint stiffness)”
“Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that has shown promise in preclinical studies to reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis.” –
“CBD use was associated with improvements in pain (83%), physical function (66%), and sleep quality (66%).” –
Have I uncovered enough evidence that CBD can be beneficial for alleviating the pain and inflammation related to RA? If not please let me know and I’ll see if I can find more.
I conclude that CBD can actually help alleviate the pain and inflammation for those who suffer from RA.
And as always, I recommend using either the flower or full-spectrum CBD products. But remember to consult your doctor first!
CBD & Diabetes – Check the FAQs Ma’am…
7. a) Does CBD help with diabetes? b) Does CBD oil lower blood sugar? c) Will CBD lower your A1C? d) What does CBD do for diabetes e) Can CBD help diabetic neuropathy?
My Take
UH… Hell if I know!
Look guys, let me make this clear… CBD isn’t a cure-all. It has enough on its shoulders without adding every ailment known to man. As far as I know, there are no cornucopias short of the Grace of God but don’t hold your breath waiting for that.
Illness tried its very best to take me out before I even got started in this life. I caught a terrible virus that nearly ended me when I was just an infant. Then to top it off I caught Rheumatic Fever at just three years of age.
Back then they treated most such ailments with penicillin. So I was stuck taking it 3 times a day for the next TEN years! AT MEAL TIMES! So, I dreaded meal times and barely ate. Needless to say, I was very skinny and sickly most of my childhood.
CBD seems to be helpful for several ailments though. During my extensive research into this almost miracle compound, I haven’t come across anything regarding diabetes or blood sugar.
My advice on this subject… stop eating processed foods! They put cheap ass sugar in EVERYTHING these days. Try to eat only fresh veggies, dairy, and meats. And be very selective of everything else you eat.
Now I’ll rush off and perform my due diligence to see if I can discover whether this amazing substance is even more amazing than I expect.
CBD Research Related to Diabetes Issues – Their Take
“There is no noticeable effect on blood glucose (blood sugar) or insulin levels in people with type 2 diabetes.” –
“Although many claims continue to be made about CBD oil, there is little evidence of any benefit.” –
This is as I expected seeing that my research thus far has turned up nothing regarding diabetes.
“…research is ongoing to see if it can help control blood sugar, calm inflammation, and ease nerve pain from diabetes.” –
As we should all know by now, CBD may bring relief to those who suffer from pain. Why would it be any different with pain from diabetes?
“In one study, researchers tested CBD on mice with less blood flow to the brain, a complication of diabetes for some people. They found that CBD:
- Cut down hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
- Lowered cholesterol and “bad fat” levels
- Upped insulin production
Other studies of CBD in mice or rats found it:
- Eases swelling and pain from nerve damage. One study showed CBD kept chronic inflammation and neuropathic pain at bay, which tends to affect the hands and feet of people with diabetes.
- Lowers the risk of diabetes. Another study found CBD might ward off the disease.
- Promotes “good fat.” CBD oil can help the body turn white fat into slimming brown fat. This can boost your body’s ability to use glucose.”
– {
“The effects of CBD and THC (the chemical in cannabis that causes a high) are different. In one study, CBD didn’t improve blood sugar and lipid levels in people with type 2 diabetes, but a variation of THC did. CBD did lower insulin resistance and boost gut hormone levels.” –
This was unexpected.
“…patients reported that CBD reduced their nerve pain and improved their blood sugar. She adds that those people who used CBD oils for nerve pain also reported sleeping better.” –
“Early research suggests CBD and diabetes are indeed worth further study. For example, a small study published in October 2016 in Diabetes Care in the United Kingdom looked at 62 people with type 2 diabetes and found that CBD did not lower blood glucose. …the authors reported that THCV (but not CBD) significantly improved blood glucose control.” –
“It is theorized that cannabis has desirable effects on hyperglycemia through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The endocannabinoid system modulates food intake and energy homeostasis by activating cannabinoid receptors. Modulation of these receptors with CBD has the possibility to reduce body weight and A1C in people with diabetes.” –
“A 62-year-old Hispanic obese man (weight 113 kg, BMI 39 kg/m2) with a history of type 2 diabetes for 11 years began taking CBD oil to control his blood glucose in place of insulin degludec.” –
“In fact, some research shows CBD might help control blood sugar, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost cardiovascular health, all of which are important for people with diabetes. Other studies indicate that CBD could possibly help prevent diabetes.” –
OK… I concede! CBD may well be the cornucopia mankind has sought since the beginning of ailments. Either that or there are a lot of really good snake-oil salesmen on the internet.
Although I’ve found differing statements regarding the usefulness of CBD for diabetes, I did find at least some evidence saying it may be helpful in controlling blood sugar and at the very least may help relieve some of its symptoms.
I’m sure if I keep looking I’ll find some issues that CBD can’t do anything for in one way or another.
Well, I can’t help but conclude that CBD can be beneficial for diabetes in one form or another. I did not expect that.
I find it truly amazing the number of conditions that CBD and other Cannabinoids are able to help alleviate. Mind Blown!
CBD & Cholesterol – Check the FAQs Ma’am…
8. a) Does CBD lower cholesterol? b) Does CBD oil lower triglycerides? c) Is CBD good for cholesterol? d) Can I take CBD with high cholesterol?
My Take
I believe I’ve read somewhere that CBD may actually be helpful concerning cholesterol.
Even before coming across any articles about CBD and cholesterol, I would have said the exact same thing I usually say… I can’t imagine CBD having detrimental effects on the physiology of people.
Let me go do my homework and get back to you…
CBD Research Related To Cholesterol Issues – Their Take
“CBD has been shown to improve cholesterol through its ability to regulate lipid uptake and blood pressure.” –
“CBD also produces beneficial effects that may help lower cholesterol levels and improve its associated health risks.” –
“Total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels were high in all HFCD groups compared to ND, with neither of the cannabinoid treatments affecting these levels… Triglycerides were lowered in all HFCD groups compared to ND with an increase observed in the CBD and THC-treated groups, although not statistically significant. Compared to the untreated HFCD animals, serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) was lowered in the CBD-treated group.” –
Once again, I found tons of evidence that CBD may actually help lower cholesterol rather than having detrimental effects. Although the quote from JCannabisResearch seems to be the one exception I found.
And once again it truly amazes me how many issues cannabinoids can be beneficial to. I can’t help but wonder if any of the lawmakers from back in the day (if any still live) are sitting on their thumbs saying “Dang! If I had only known…”
I am happy to conclude that CBD may be beneficial to yet another medical issue.
Did you notice how I’ve been careful to say “may be” beneficial all the time? It’s because of the unfettered power of the FDA! A regulatory agency with little to no regulation so far as I can tell.
You simply can not claim that any non-FDA-approved, non-pharmaceutical substance can be used to treat or cure any type of disease or medical condition. If you do, the FDA can come down on you like a ton of bricks.
CBD & Your Bladder – Check the FAQs Ma’am…
9. a) Does CBD make you pee more? b) Does CBD help an overactive bladder? c) Does CBD help urinary retention? d) Can CBD cause urine retention? e) Can CBD affect the bladder? f) Does CBD have a diuretic effect? g) Can CBD cause incontinence? h) Can CBD help an overactive bladder?
My Take
It simply doesn’t make any sense to me that CBD would have an effect on urination. I understand it is a vasodilator and muscle relaxant, but would that affect the urethra or the bladder?
I just don’t know. Let me go see what I can find on the matter.
CBD Research Related To Bladder/Urinary Issues – Their Take
“…CBD could help improve overactive bladder symptoms…” –
“CBD may help an overactive bladder by reducing contractions of the detrusor muscle. This muscle has a key role in the function of your urinary system.” –
“…existing research into the effects of cannabinoids on the bladder does show some support for the benefits of CBD.” –
Who would have guessed? During my research I discovered that Delta-9 THC has been historically used as a diuretic, basically meaning it makes you pee more.
So apparently we’ve discovered yet another effect that THC has on your body that CBD is able to counteract to some degree.
Unfortunately, I could only find one reputable source pertaining to this subject. However, it unequivocally supports the idea that CBD may help alleviate urinary and bladder issues related to overactive bladder and incontinence.
By now I feel it necessary to state that cannabinoids truly seem to be the closest thing to that cornucopia mankind has searched for throughout the ages.
Once again my conclusion is Pro CBD! I’m fairly positive there is no negativity here folks. Yet another win for one of our favorite little cannabinoids.
Let’s check out our next problem area…
CBD & Your Prostate – Check the FAQs Sir…
10. a) Does CBD affect the prostate? b) Does CBD oil work for prostate? c) Can Hemp Oil Reduce an Enlarged Prostate? c) Can you use CBD for prostate inflammation? d) Can CBD reduce an enlarged Prostate? e) Can CBD oil affect PSA levels?
My Take
Before delving into this issue, let me just say that like most other physiological issues I have little to no idea if CBD will have any effect on the prostate whatsoever.
And like with any other organ or part of the body, I don’t expect that CBD would have any negative impact on the prostate. In fact, I believe if nothing else, it would help to relax the prostate. Whether this would have any positive impact on prostate health, I couldn’t say.
I’ll saunter off now and do some web-extraction to see what I find.
CBD Research Related To Prostate Issues – Their Take
“…cannabinoids may stop prostate cancer cells from growing and dividing, cause prostate cancer cells to die, and stop prostate cancer cells from invading other tissues and spreading.” –
It goes on to say that these results are specific to lab rats and cancer cells grown in Petri dishes. It states that the cannabinoids used were synthetic. And also that cancer cells in people behave differently.
I say this is some promising evidence. Of course, I am once again flabbergasted and quite elated to learn of this. Truly Amazing!
“Cannabinoids have been shown to have some activity against prostate cancer in the lab and in mice. But it is not recommended for prostate cancer treatment.” –
Of course, they would say this… It’s WebMD! Besides being a CYA thing because of the unbridled power of the FDA.
“…treatment of prostate cancer cells with cannabinoid CB1/CB2 agonist WIN-55,212-2 results in a dose and time dependent decrease in cell viability ,and increased apoptosis along with decrease in androgen receptor protein expression, PSA expression, and secreted PSA, suggesting that cannabinoids should be considered as agents for the management of prostate cancer.” – NIH PubMed Central
The “agonist WIN-55,212-2” is referring to a synthetic cannabinoid I am assuming. Much of this article I simply don’t understand because of all the jargon. But I understand enough to know that it’s saying THC and/or CBD are likely candidates to join the fight against prostate cancer.
“Recent preclinical evidence implicates cannabinoids as powerful regulators of cell growth and differentiation, as well as potential anti-cancer agents…
All studies have reported that the treatment of prostate cancers in in vivo/xenograft models with various cannabinoids decreased the size of the tumor…” – NIH PubMed Central
“…cannabinoids were shown to reduce the size of prostate tumors in mice and as such, it can be concluded that they possess anticancer properties…
both synthetic and natural cannabinoids have shown anti-cancer outcomes.” – NIH PubMed Central
Whether you can understand all the jargon or not, it is clear that cannabinoids reduce the size of cancer tumors in the lab and in mice. Very promising and informational studies.
It still surprises me to say that once again our little cannabis compounds have come out on top! UNBELIEVABLE! Can we please bring more shame to the legislators who criminalized our amazing cannabis plant back in 1937?
I believe former President Jimmy Carter was the only leader of our great nation who was an advocate for cannabis since that time. Our forefathers sure knew it would be beneficial to our country. But who knew to what extent?
Unfortunately, I can find no reputable sources online having to do with CBD’s effects on enlarged prostate, PSA levels, or inflammation specifically in the prostate. However, since learning that CBD may in fact be an anti-inflammatory, one would assume it may help with prostate inflammation.
I have to conclude that although cannabinoids (maybe not specifically CBD or CBD alone) may help with prostate cancer, I can find no hard evidence that they can help with an enlarged prostate.
I am disappointed, but not overly much so. I’ve been saying all along that CBD can not be a cornucopia. But it sure does have a TON of possible uses does it not? I don’t know of any single natural substance throughout history that has carried so much promise.
Next up… Pain relief. I may should have placed this in the number 1 spot. Oh well, I didn’t… Life goes on, and so do these FAQs apparently.
CBD & Pain – Check the FAQs Ma’am…
11. a) Does CBD relieve pain? b) Is CBD a pain killer? c) Is CBD good for chronic pain? d) Is CBD good for joint pain? e) How quickly does CBD work for joint pain?
My Take
Finally! I can tell you from first-hand experience that my chronic neck pain was relieved by smoking some bud that had around 12% CBD and a small amount of THC. Beforehand I was quite skeptical.
I had smoked pot for the vast majority of my life. Of course, I didn’t have any pains when I was younger. They didn’t begin manifesting until much later in life. Could it have been because I smoked pot that I didn’t suffer from pain earlier?
I quit smoking pot around 1993 and abstained for about 20 years. Maybe that’s why my pains started showing up?
I began smoking pot quite infrequently somewhere around 2010 or so. Only a few hits here and there with a LOT of time in between. It wasn’t until mid-2016 that I started smoking with any regularity. That also happens to be when I knowingly first tried CBD bud.
I didn’t think it would do me any good. I actually bought it for a friend of mine who was suffering from leg pain. I really didn’t expect any results. I firmly believed “medical” marijuana was a scam just so people could legally smoke pot.
But when the persistent pain in my neck which I had suffered from for years completely vanished, I became a true believer.
I actually stopped smoking pot again due to respiratory issues. I totally ruined my throat and lungs from cigarettes and several bad life choices. So these days I begin to develop phlegm and a bad dry cough from smoking… Not cigarettes mind you. I will never smoke those again!
I have tried edibles and enjoy the buzz but it’s different.
But I am a true believer that CBD may help relieve your pain, whether chronic or temporary regardless the cause.
CBD Research Related To Pain Issues – Their Take
“Cannabis has been used to treat pain since as far back as 2900 B.C.” –
“Studies have shown that CBD may help reduce chronic pain…” –
“CBD can offer an alternative for people who have chronic pain and rely on medications, such as opioids, that can be habit-forming and cause more side effects.” –
“…CBD has been shown to have direct anti-inflammatory and pain-management properties…” –
“Starting with the Chinese around 2900 B.C., many civilizations have transcribed their use of cannabis for a variety of conditions, from joint pain and muscle spasms to conditions such as gout and malaria.” – NIH PubMed Central
“Many patients have described a decreased need for prescription opioids after starting medical cannabis regimens…
…states with medical cannabis laws had significantly lower annual opioid overdose mortality rates compared to states without medical cannabis.” – NIH PubMed Central
“CBD use was associated with improvements in pain (83%), physical function (66%), and sleep quality (66%).” – NIH PubMed Central
“CBD can also be absorbed directly into the bloodstream… Effects may be felt within 15 to 45 minutes. If sprays or tinctures are swallowed, their effects tend to be similar to capsules or edibles.” –
As I’ve been doing my research, I’ve come across so many reputable websites stating that CBD “may” help relieve pain for just about any condition associated with pain and/or inflammation. And if you don’t know why most sites say “may”, it’s because of FDA regulations.
Since CBD isn’t FDA-approved to treat pain, you can not come right out and claim that it does. FDA rules strictly forbid this.
There was once a baker who discovered that his bread was reversing some sort of cancer (Breast cancer, if I remember correctly as mentioned in “Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About” by Kevin Trudeau.). Once the FDA learned about it, they raided the guy’s bakery with guns drawn and confiscated all of the offensive bread and recipes for it.
If you haven’t read that book, I highly recommend it. It’s a real eye-opener.
Of course, I’ve known for years that things of this nature happen all the time. It’s like back in the day when this guy built a carburetor that got unheard of gas mileage. Some big oil company bought his patent for huge money and made sure this carburetor never made it onto the market. SORRY… I got a bit sidetracked. Back to business.
The deal is, that CBD “may” help alleviate just about any pain there is: Chronic pain, arthritic pain, diabetic pain, cancer pain… you name it. It’s plastered all over the internet.
I’m happy to conclude that CBD very well may be an umbrella tool for pain management. But it still needs to be scientifically proven before anyone can make public claims of this nature.
As more and more people discover just how well CBD purportedly works and more studies are conducted due to the increasing demand, it won’t be long before the medical community gets their grubby little mitts on this product. Once this happens, the whole game changes.
You will begin to see synthetic cannabinoids prescribed by doctors. And as historically seen with other such natural substances that have been synthesized in the past, we will see more and worse negative side effects with the synthesized cannabinoids.
I hope I’m wrong in my assumption. I really hope that big pharma will do it right this time… But I doubt it. They are in it to win it. And the way they do is by producing as cheaply as possible and charging an arm and a leg for their DRUGS! They are by far the biggest drug pushers on the planet in my humble opinion.
CBD & Inflammation – Check the FAQs Ma’am…
12. a) Is CBD an anti-inflammatory? b) Is CBD good for inflammation? c) What kind of CBD is best for inflammation? d) Does CBD reduce inflammation or just pain? d) Does CBD take away inflammation? e) Does CBD increase inflammation?
My Take
Of course, I have come across many mentions of the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD during my research. There have been several in vitro and preclinical studies on animals affirming this.
I’ve had an understanding that it could help with pain for quite some time. Prior to my research I had no idea it could possibly help with inflammation as well.
I’ll go pore over thousands of search results and glean out the most pertinent candidates for our purposes so you don’t have to.
CBD Research Related To Inflammation Issues – Their Take
“CBD is non-psychoactive but exerts a number of beneficial pharmacological effects, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties…preclinical and clinical studies have contributed to our understanding of the therapeutic potential of CBD for many diseases…” – NIH PubMed Central
“Conclusions: This review shows that CBD, CBG, and CBD+THC combination exert a predominantly anti-inflammatory effect in vivo…” – NIH PubMed Central
“Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-intoxicating phytocannabinoid from cannabis sativa that has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects in several inflammatory conditions including arthritis.”
“Animal studies have suggested that CBD has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties…” –
“Studies with Cannabis Sativa plant extracts and endogenous agonists of cannabinoid receptors have demonstrated anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, and antitussive properties in the airways of allergic and non-allergic animals.” –
As you can probably tell, this study has to do with allergies in animals. It is included here due to its anti-inflammatory property. Could this be yet another use for CBD?
“Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) has been used to treat inflammation for millennia… several phytocannabinoids, including ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabigerol (CBG), exhibit activity against inflammation.” –
All evidence tends to point out that CBD, among other cannabinoids, has anti-inflammatory properties.
In case you didn’t know sciencing (If that’s not a word I just made it one.) tends to take a loooooooong time! It takes those lab coats months or even years sometimes to decide if they are going to use a kleenex or just their finger to pick their nose.
So don’t hold your breath waiting for their determination on cannabis products. Especially since it would then have to be approved by the FDA. I think they are slower than the lab coats.
Until then, you are an adult… if not then this doesn’t pertain to you, otherwise… you can make your own decision whether or not to use any cannabis products.
In conclusion, I defer to the overwhelming evidence and state unequivocally that CBD and other cannabinoids may be great candidates to combat inflammation in many different ailments.
But as always, I caution you to not self-medicate without conferring with your doctor. CBD is suspected to interact negatively with certain medications.
CBD & Blood Flow – Check the FAQs Ma’am…
13. a) Does CBD affect blood flow? b) Does CBD stimulate blood flow? c) Can CBD increase blood flow? d) Does CBD open arteries? e) Is CBD a blood thinner? f) Does CBD decrease blood flow? g) Does CBD help blood vessels? h) Is CBD a vasodilator or vasoconstrictor? i) How does CBD increase blood flow? j) Does CBD relax blood vessels? k) What does CBD do to blood vessels?
My Take
Due to my recent discoveries that CBD may work as a vasodilator, I believe that it may help improve blood flow and as a result, reduce blood pressure thereby lowering the risk of some cardiovascular issues.
Before I began my research I had absolutely no idea whether or not CBD could affect blood flow. But through researching heart health issues, I learned that CBD may in fact work as a vasodilator.
I had no idea what that meant at first. But I soon discovered it meant that a vasodilator relaxes the muscles around the arteries and veins letting them expand thus allowing blood to flow more freely. This in turn helps to lower blood pressure among other health benefits.
So now I shall revisit and discover other sources of information regarding CBD and blood flow.
CBD Research Related To Blood Flow Issues – Their Take
“CBD significantly increased blood flow in the hippocampus, however CBD did not cause significant differences in blood flow in other regions of the medial temporal lobe (MTL), of which the hippocampus is a significant component.” –
The main target of this article was cerebral blood flow.
“CBD increases CBF to key regions involved in memory processing, particularly the hippocampus.” –
CBF refers to Cerebral Blood Flow which is the target of this study.
“Cannabidiol (CBD) improves brain blood flow which could help improve memory, researchers have said.” –
Another article whose target is blood flow to the brain.
“It is thought to stimulate blood flow, reduce stress, and increase pleasure. You can also take CBD oil orally before having sex to help reduce performance anxiety and improve blood flow.” –
BONUS! Opening up the arterial system also makes for better erections!
“One study found that CBD has a direct effect on the arteries, helping reduce inflammation and improving blood flow.”
“CBD has direct actions on isolated arteries, causing both acute and time-dependent vasorelaxation.” – NIH PubMed Central
“CBD induced almost full concentration-dependent vasorelaxation…” –
“Various studies in animals have shown that CBD could improve vasorelaxation, or opening of arteries for better blood flow…” –
It stands to reason that since one property of CBD is that of a vasodilator, it would naturally lead to more blood flow. Once it relieves the constriction of the blood vessels it allows blood to move more freely throughout your body.
This allows for more blood to be delivered to all of your organs. With a greater volume of oxygen-rich blood reaching your organs, they will tend to work more like they should.
I believe this would lead to people thinking more clearly since your brain is getting more oxygen.
Of course, not everyone would need this. If your blood vessels are healthy enough already then increasing your blood flow may not be of any benefit. Remember that too much of a good thing can possibly be bad for you.
I conclude that CBD may very well be able to increase your blood flow. The downside of this is that it can also reduce your blood pressure. If I’m not mistaken, if your blood pressure gets too low it can be a bad thing.
So, remember, “Everything in moderation.” If you don’t need it, don’t do it. If you do it, don’t overdo it.
And as always, consult your doctor before using CBD on a regular basis. Especially if you have a medical condition and/or you take any medications.